AIR Flight Training focuses on detailed, scenario-based Piper PA-46 training for Malibu, Mirage, Matrix, and Meridian pilots. We arm pilots with the knowledge and experience to react in any situation.


Autumn is just two days away, which often means crisp air and smooth flying. Sunday morning Fly-Ins, camping under your wing, and finding that delicious $100 hamburger will surely increase over the coming months. You’ve finished your currency requirements and have a fresh medical in hand; the sky’s the limit.Grand Canyon

But, being fit to fly is NOT dependent on simply recent flight experience and physical condition. Remember studying human attitude and decision making during primary training? According to past and contemporary academic studies concerning decision making, there are five temperaments that can prevent pilots from making sound decisions and effectively exercising authority.

Ah yes, The Five Hazardous Attitudes. Let’s review (As presented in the Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge):

  1. Anti-Authority: “Don’t tell me what to do.” This attitude could present itself in a multi-pilot or crew environment, or when a pilot disregards a rule or regulation because he/she believes that it’s silly or unnecessary.

  2. Impulsivity: “Do it NOW.” This attitude could be identified during an instrument procedure in IMC conditions, such as an ATC expedited approach. You’re left with flying the procedure, following the checklists, and communicating with ATC. Impulsivity occurs when the pilot executes his/her first thought, without evaluating alternative options.

  3. Invulnerability: “It won’t happen to me.” Pilots and non-pilots alike often believe that incidents and accidents happen to others, but will never happen to them. With this mentality, pilots are more likely to cross safety boundaries and increase risk.

  4. Macho: “Of course I can do it, I have hundreds of hours in this aircraft.” These “macho” pilots are often trying to prove their skills and show off by taking unnecessary risks. While many people consider this to be a mostly masculine trait, women are equally susceptible.

  5. Resignation: “What’s the use?” This attitude refers to pilots who conclude that their actions won’t make a difference in the outcome of a given situation; they have a lack of confidence in their flying ability. The pilot will often give someone else the authority.

ID-100123069Time and time again, incidents and accidents are attributed to poor pilot judgement as a result of one or more of the FIve Hazardous Attitudes. Recognition of hazardous thoughts is the first step toward neutralizing them. Once identified, the pilot can take necessary action to mitigate risks.

So, when the sky is blue and the tailwinds are in your favor, don’t forget to assess your attitude(s)!

About the author

Christopher Carmody has been instructing pilots for over a decade in various aircraft models. He has been awarded the Master Flight Instructor designation by the National Association of Flight Instructors in addition to being recently named "Flight Instructor of the Year" in the FAA's Central Region. He is a former demonstration pilot and regional director of sales of new Piper Aircraft in the midwest. He received his B.S. in Aeronautics majoring in both Aviation Science / Professional Pilot and Aviation Management from Parks College of Engineering, Aviation and Technology at Saint Louis University.