Book Now Do you own your own airplane? If not, the airplane owner will need to be present when you fill out this registration form as the owner's signature will also be required.*YesNoWhat service are you registering for today?**Please Select An Option *Initial TrainingRecurrent TrainingAirplane Piloting ServicesDelivery and Acceptance ServicesAdditional Flight InstructionHow many people will be training in your group together (including you?)**Please Select An Option *Just MeTwoThreeFourPlease list the names of the other people in your group that will be training with you.* Are you desiring training in Kansas City or in another location?*Kansas CityAnother LocationWhat city/airport are you desiring training at?* Name* First Last Address* Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Email* Phone*PA – 46 Model**Please Select An Option *Piper Malibu (PA-46-310P)Piper Matrix (PA-46-350T)Piper Mirage/M350 (PA-46-350P)Piper Meridian/M500 (PA-46-500TP)Piper JetpropPiper M600Aircraft Registration # (N number)* Aircraft Serial Number* Pilot Certificate Number* Aircraft Insurance Broker's Name* Aircraft Insurance Broker's Phone Number*Aircraft Insurance Broker's Email Address* Total Flight Hours* Number of flight hours in your aircraft – Last 90 Days/ Last 12 Months* Please attach a legible copy of your driver's license.*Max. file size: 50 MB.Please attach a legible copy of your medical license.*Max. file size: 50 MB.Please attach a legible copy of your pilot's certificate.*Max. file size: 50 MB.FAA Certificates and Ratings Held* Private Commercial Airline Transport Pilot Flight Instructor Instrument Rating Single-engine Land Multi-engine Land Rotorcraft Balloon Airship Glider Powered-Lift Other Would you like: A Flight Review? Instrument Proficiency Check? List any areas of special training requested or required. Please select a potential date for your training start date/pilot services date. We will contact you to confirm and book your dates. MM slash DD slash YYYY AIRCRAFT TRAINING, INDEMNIFICATION, AND HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT:THIS AIRCRAFT TRAINING, INDEMNIFICATION AND HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT (“Agreement”), is made to be effective upon submission of the Registration Form, by the undersigned (the “Owner” and the “Trainee.” WHEREAS, Aircraft owner (Owner) desires that AIR Flight Training, LLC (“Training Instructor”) provide to “Trainees” flight instruction and training in Owner's aircraft; and NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the training to be provided, and other valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, Owner agrees as follows: 1. Training. Owner/Trainee desires that Training Instructor provide to Trainee flight and ground training in a PA46 (the “Aircraft”), and Owner/Trainee agrees to pay to Training Instructor the amount listed below plus any travel related expenses including, but not limited to, airfare, hotel, food, rental car and/or car mileage at the current IRS rate. Incidentals will be billed at rate incurred for training. Owner understands and acknowledges that such training does not guarantee that Trainee will be proficient or meet any minimum performance standards to fly the aircraft. All prices including expenses reflect a 4% cash discount.2. Indemnity and Hold Harmless. The Owner/Trainee hereby agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Training Instructor from any and all losses, claims, damages, or causes of action, including but not limited to claims for loss (including loss of use) or damage to the Aircraft, and all related costs, including attorneys’ fees, arising directly or indirectly out of or in connection with the services Training Instructor provides pursuant to this Agreement that may be brought by any person. The Owner and Trainee acknowledges that the services rendered are solely and wholly performed by AIR Flight Training, LLC. The Training Instructor’s rights to indemnification under this Agreement shall be in addition to any other remedies to which it may be entitled to under Kansas law. 3. Insurance. The Owner hereby further agrees to maintain a current aircraft hull and liability insurance policy showing the Training Instructor as named insured effective during the duration of all flight instruction and training given. Owner/Trainee hereby waive any and all subrogation rights Owner/Trainee may have against the Training Instructor as a result of any damage, liability, or action which is or could be covered by such insurance policy or policies.4. Binding Effect. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors, heirs, personal representatives and assigns.5. Governing Law. The interpretation and construction of this Agreement and all matters relating hereto shall be governed by Kansas law.6. Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire understanding of the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter contained herein. This Agreement may be amended or modified only by an agreement in writing signed by all of the parties hereto. The undersigned have executed this Agreement to be effective the day and year the Registration Form is submitted. By signing and printing your name below, you are accepting that you have read and accept the terms of the AIRCRAFT TRAINING, INDEMNIFICATION, AND HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT. Furthermore, you accept that Air Flight Training's acceptance of your electronic signature follows the electronic signature laws and is legally binding. If you are both the plane owner and trainee, you only need to sign as plane owner. By submitting this form, you are acknowledging that notification of your registration with Air Flight Training will be sent to your insurance broker so we can be in touch with them to collect your insurance information. We look forward to working with you! Trainee's Signature*Airplane Owner's Signature*Initial Training Services held in Kansas City will be $5,925 for the first person and $4,750 for each additional person, plus expenses. Initial Training Services held outside of Kansas City will be $5,925 for the first person and $4,750 for each additional person, plus travel expenses to include but not limited to airfare, hotel, car, car gas and $110 per diem for meals. A day rate of $1, 475 per day will be charged for each additional day beyond the allotted days for training. This will be charged for the instructor's time due to delays from weather, maintenance, or any other delays outside of the instructor's control. Depending on your location, travel to and from your location is typically necessary, charged at $1,475 per day. Travel arrangements will be made once the dates for training are confirmed. Reimbursement of travel-related expenses incurred plus 50% of the course cost will be required if the scheduled training is postponed or canceled.Recurrent Training Services held in Kansas City will be $2,900 for the first person and $2,150 for each additional person, plus expenses. Recurrent Training Services held outside of Kansas City will be $2,900 for the first person and $2,150 for each additional person, plus travel expenses to include but not limited to airfare, hotel, car, car gas and $110 per diem for meals. A day rate of $1,475 per day will be charged for each additional day beyond the allotted days for training. This will be charged for the instructor's time due to delays from weather, maintenance, or any other delays outside of the instructor's control. Depending on your location, travel to and from your location is typically necessary, charged at $1,475 per day. Travel arrangements will be made once the dates for training are confirmed. Reimbursement of travel-related expenses incurred plus 50% of the course cost will be required if the scheduled training is postponed or canceled.Airplane Piloting Services will be $1,475 a day, plus travel expenses to include but not limited to airfare, hotel, car, car gas, and $110 per diem for meals. Depending on your location, travel to and from your location is typically necessary, charged at $1,475 per day. Travel arrangements will be made once the dates for training are confirmed. Reimbursement of travel-related expenses incurred plus 50% of the course cost will be required if the scheduled training is postponed or canceled. Additional Flight Instruction will be $1,475 a day, plus travel expenses to include but not limited to airfare, hotel, car, car gas, and $110 per diem for meals. Depending on your location, travel to and from your location is typically necessary, charged at $1,475 per day. Travel arrangements will be made once the dates for training are confirmed. Reimbursement of travel-related expenses incurred plus 50% of the course cost will be required if the scheduled training is postponed or canceled. Delivery and Acceptance Services will be $1,475 a day, plus travel expenses to include but not limited to airfare, hotel, car, car gas, and $110 per diem for meals. Depending on your location, travel to and from your location is typically necessary, charged at $1,475 per day. Travel arrangements will be made once the dates for training are confirmed. Reimbursement of travel-related expenses incurred plus 50% of the course cost will be required if the scheduled training is postponed or canceled.Training Registration Deposit - 1 Person. Deposits are Non-Refundable.* Price: Training Registration Deposit - 2 Person Training. Deposits are Non-Refundable. Please hit the submit button at the bottom of this registration form. Only 1 person in your group needs to complete checkout through Paypal and pay the deposit.* Price: Training Registration Deposit - 3 People. Deposits are Non-Refundable. Please hit the submit button at the bottom of this registration form. Only 1 person in your group needs to complete checkout through Paypal and pay the deposit.* Price: Training Registration Deposit - 4 People. Deposits are Non-Refundable. Please hit the submit button at the bottom of this registration form. Only 1 person in your group needs to complete checkout through Paypal and pay the deposit.* Price: Airplane Piloting Services/Delivery and Acceptance Services Deposit. Deposits are Non-Refundable.* Price: Upon submission, you will be directed to pay your deposit through Paypal. You can make payment with a credit or debit card if you do not have a Paypal account.UntitledFirst ChoiceSecond ChoiceThird ChoiceUntitledFirst ChoiceSecond ChoiceThird ChoicePhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ